I put my react app in Android WebView The problem is android keyboard overlaps input which is inside a modal. I tried following code but no result: android:fitsSystemWindow...
Are you sure it works for WebView? My app is not in native Android
Is there any tool to detect misspelling words of a commit message in terminal? Or even any plugin for vscode
Is a telegram bot able to send message to a new user account ( I mean without the user starting the bot first)??
How do employers and recruiters make sure of the experience of the developer? Do they look for insurance records or something like that?
Just wanna show my experience on GitHub by show casing them to the recruiters, but some projects are private and can not show the source but can upload them The question woul...
React app on port: 3000 Express app on port: 3001 React: const url = http://localhost:3001/api/; const payload = { name: "john"} const header = { 'Content-Type' : 'applica...
Trying to change a commit message I used git commit --amend, and changed the message but what should I do to implement changes on github repo?
Is there a way to run a source code from github on itself to see the UI, without downloading or coping the source on our own system?
I've installed tone module by npm. And now want to import it into a vanilla js file. This is what I have tried: import tone from 'tone' But does not work! Any solution!?
I created a react app by npx create-react-app as always. But in development version when I try to change the default elements and stuff it doesn't have any affect on UI resu...
const app = async() => { var countryData = []; await (axios.request(options) .then(function (response) { response.data.map((item) => countryData.pus...
function isBigEnough(value) { return value >= 10 } let filtered = [12, 5, 8, 130,44].filter(isBigEnough) Is there a way to change the number 10 in isBigEnough function wh...
I'm using context api and fetch some movie data from an api by axios. I set fetched data into a state named movies like : const [movies,setMovies]=useState() useEffect(()=>...
I've implemented firebase on nodejs app and the app is hosted on heroku, so should not it already solve the problem as request to firebase is coming from heroku not the client...
crbug/1173575, non-JS module files deprecated. Does anyone know this ? When I try to start debugging,this gets thrown in debug console, and unable to run debugging process! ...
If i install a node package globally, how can i access it anywhere in my computer!? Should i add it through terminal and command prompt or add it like a local file!?
Is using useState allowed in redux store!?
Trying to deploy a repo of github on vercel but i get fatal: Could not read from remote repository I haven't set a ssh key yet, does this relate to the issue?
In express js trying to get user IP address by ( req ip ) and to check if it's from Iran returning an error. How to check? How to know IP is from Iran?