I have an outdated version of worker nodes (1.14) in my eks cluster, my master is updated to 1.18. Is it possible to directly update the worker nodes from 1.14 version to 1.18...
Am I making wrong choice if I am choosing fargate over ec2 for workload in EKS? Fargate seems a bit more expensive then ec2, my use case is to run stateless apps. It is on-dem...
how do you all create S3 backend before initializing terraform? S3 buckets for terraform backend created manually in the console?
Is there anyone from Stockholm here? how good is 40000 SEK (including tax) per month for devops professional with 4.5 year experience? is it low or average?
is it possible to create access key and secret key for existing user in AWS?
> Create it from terraform without the backend Do you mean create S3 bucket with terraform, without backend and then rerun the same with adding backend as with the same S3 buc...
Is it just me or others too? regarding the experience with aws support.
so is it bad idea to move from ec2 type to fargate in eks? I thought fargate could be cheaper as it is on-demand and may cost less
^ how are they calculating the number of pods per instance type? as it depends on how much CPU a single pod requests. Any idea?
Is it possible? I tried it, but SSL certificate for bar.foo.company.org still coming from Amazon, instead of from let's encrypt.
How can I find CIDR range from IP address? my IP address is and subnet mask is
can this be used in terraform? looks like this can be used only with eksctl utility
I don't have NAT gateway at all. so is it a strict requirement for Fargate?
why Fargate requires namespace? why it can't be used in all namespaces? ugh
If you're not using Terraform, then how do you manage your infra with IaC?
why terragrunt? I am using vanilla terraform. no issues so far
Is there a way to find out which subnet fargate is using?
exec on pod, I think it should have. Isn't?
why not just consume all the namespace?
Any insights?