if you are going to use one node of k8s, why don't you use an EC2 instance instead to reduce costs?
but still don't know what is ATP?
Why do you use s3 instead of Blob Storage?
Redis module in tf?
So, the book stays at your account, right?
Are you working on the fix of the outage @gbonfiglio ?
anyone here have the Istio Up & Running, O'reilly's book in pdf and could share with me?
So do you recommend do the associate first even if you have previous experience on cloud with other providers?
if you type terraform console in your terminal, it doesn't work?
Anyone here that have been worked with Datadog and nats-server integration?
Have you checked that your db allows connections from all hosts?
I suppose videos, right?
But, what is the sense you've tried to install nodejs on a node image? It's about the version?
I'm not an expert in python but have you tried to use shell script?
Dude, we are talking about Windows Server. When do you use any windows distro that it was free?
if i want to control how are the specs of every pod...what should i use?
So could you explain what difficulties do you have?
have you checked that?
when is it better to use EKS intead of K8s on EC2 or ECS?
Have you searched any similar code in google?