Hey guys, Is it possible to emulate a buy and a sell on localhost? Without deploying For example to have locally: 1) factory contract 2) router contract 3) erc20 contract 4)...
Does someone know why people add second liquidity currency in a pair as bnb on pancakeswap? Why not make a CoinX-USDT pair instead of CoinX-BNB ?
Hey, Is there a posibility to have some sort of local blochain explorer for hardhat? Truffle does have ganache-ui, yet hardhat has only cli
And like you only use the console, right?
Do you know where from poocoin or dextools get price data realtime? Does it use some external apis? If yes what are those? 🙏🙏
Привет. Есть вопрос такой. Могу ли я запустить 2 нод скрипты на разных threads или процессы? Я пытался но они не действуют самостоятельно. Один зависает когда другой работае...
But the approve amount is set in the frontend right?
Есть CMS для нода?? Open source именно, чтоб не платить там за всякие ерунду. Видел решение headless cms, но они либо платные, либо надо все сам делать
What is the difference between swapExactTokensForETHSupportingFeeOnTransferTokens and swapExactTokensForETH ? Any clue ?
Does starship have a website?
Hey Guys, quick one: can I call this payable function with 0 ether as msg.value?
Any body knows binance smart chain websocket rpc for testnet?
Вы все на ноде делаете с нуля?