Hmm. Guys, say you have {x, y} and you have an array with [1, 2], is there an elegant way to merge it so it's just {x:1, y:2}?
Can you check if maybe your sound is muted? 🤔
So what are you trying to do that would require this?
I got a question for all you frontend Bois and Girls, how do you guys determine your color scheme? I know there's a way to determine and select colors so that they aren't so s...
When do people mean when they do>whatever)[this] ?
Do you know what scans to even use? What ports to focus on?
Would it be bad for telegram to hash whatever file you sent as a key along with their telegram web url in their databases to quickly serve duplicate documents? Or would that b...
How quickly do you think phones could hash a file? What if telegram just gets the hashing done client side and send the hash along with the file so you can cut out that resour...
Cause of the single extra function call instead of a logical comparison?
Solution? Don't await it so it doesn't alter the data
Wait. If they added support for optional chaining to most browsers, how are you supposed to figure out which browsers don't support it? Do you just throw the whole thing in a ...
Idk it's a deterrent ig lol Well, I wouldn't expect you to keep the images on their device until download. Wouldn't you have the images server end then just send it over to th...
Oh, I thought I seen somewhere in here you said you were using v12 or something lol np but maybe you just need to roll back your version? They claim they support it but obviou...
Ikr? Lemme have a shot. What if you're programming a script that is supposed to run on a outdated system?
But try this? ${authEndpoint}?client_id=${clientId}&redirect_uri=${encodeURIComponent(redirectUri)}&scope=${encodeURIComponent(scopes)}&response_type=code&show_dialog=true
Ye but how is addedItems after it goes through the whole map and its about to return?
Did you try logging the data before passing it through the function? Are you sure that useQuery is returning the values you're expecting?
Like why would you wanna convert c code to WASM and have it run online. What sort of application are you running? Can it even interact with the end user?
I'm just saying, someone sent a vid, I saved it, and when I tried to send it to another chat, I had to re-upload the file before it got sent lol So the file wasn't cached then...
parentArr.every((c,i,{p[0].length})=>length===c.length) or something? Lmao