Is this where the 0-30% premium comes into play form the bidders? Does anchor take a % as well? So much important Information left out of the docs
if you are liquidated on ANC do you just lose all of your LUNA? if so that is horrible... idk how people can risk that lol
Another question I can't seem to find an answer to anywhere unfortunately, will we ever be able to claim multiple airdrops in one transaction? I have been saving my airdrops f...
& are the rewards officially finished? I see we are not even accumulating them anymore on aave website. I was under the impression we would still be earning a small portion of...
future?* I was under the impression curve rewards were updated weekly and it's usually thursdays where you will see the crv reward amounts changed based on votoing, however, t...
Also, when I migrated from v2 to v3 I had different amounts in all 5 assets. Did I face any slippage from this? Jw
Can we claim our matic rewards yet? Please don’t say “see the pinned measage” I’ve read it everyday for the past week
what are the estimated rewards for the atricrypto2 pool once everyone has migrated? similar to v1 where it was around 9-11% CRV and 9-11% wMATIC?
are matic rewards finished for the atricrypto3 pool? or is polygon slow on refilling the rewards again lol
are we going to see crv rewards on AVAX pools today?
so i approved the migration, then migrated again and now my funds are in atricrypto2 however there is a button on there that also tells me to migrate, do i click that i also?
Will avax pools get crv rewards next week as well? I know there is a weekly vote on which pools get crv tokens and then they’re updated on Thursday, but today is Thursday and ...
and the avax rewards were reduced it seems? :/
were matic rewards reduced on polygon pools?
do we miss out on the 12 hours of rewards missed migrating from atricryptov2-v3?