what error do you get?
<?php // Your php stuff ?> <div> hello <?= $name ?> </div>
Basic question and do you use Laravel?
or do you want to add php code to a php file?
Edit php file with php?
Hi guys, I've a question: Invoice::where('user_id', Auth::id())->get(); or Auth::user()->invoices()->get(); Which is better and why?
it's ok for what you said but is it ok for your own clients too? I'm not sure
What are the difference between app('request')->input('name') and request()->input('name') to get param in view?
why js redirect?
an opinion, pyro vs october? what is the best?
Is there an easy way to send emails from different SMTPs?
do you suggest me to use the repository pattern for doing thing like this?
do you have immediate payments only?
how this is related to php?
so? I don't understand, sorry
to get the selected (current) pharmacy from a manymany relation?
isset session before session start? 🤔
File get contents? Curl? Guzzle?
and don't use google?
no bank transfer?