I have a telegram username and want to get an "user object" out of it what can I do?
Is there a telegram bot that turns video to voice? It must be written with python
How can I read telegram's own messages using python?
mycursor.execute("CREATE TABLE allmembers (unique INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, id VARCHAR(255), username VARCHAR(255), access_hash VARCHAR(255), name VARCHAR(255), group_na...
What Is the Best Antivirus?
my net gets interrupted what can I do? its lan cable
does anyone know a python group like such a thing that we are in?
Still Andrid Studio is The Best ide?
Where Are U?
hey guys I have a question which is can we force a website to work as a proxy for us or not!?
So Why Every Body Has WinDows Rather Than Linux?
Download an entire websites videos?
Do U Guys Do Yoga? Or Meditation?
What Time Is It There? 22:50?
Norton Vs Windows Defender?
Hey guys I have a question: How to use ORM for SqLite?
How Much Dollar Is It?
Where Are U From?
Have U Used Them?
how can I add a library to my android project?