In nodejs if you do something as follows const before = async someDBIO() const after = Ideally the after time would give you the time it spent i...
I am a little confused, Apollo is implementation of graphql, then what is the basic npm graphql?
Regarding react native and expo, I have made the app in react native and tested it over andoird emulator and android devices, it's working fine, it was working fine on ios exp...
ur mum linux distro?
can someone explain how that works?
Doing distinct at db level will fill dbs cpu with unnecessary processing which application level cpus who are generally more than dbs can do better don't you think so?
I tried this btw, I dunno auto complete is not working in VSCode or something? because it's not telling me to fill anything
Is find and update together an atomic operation?
Edwin a related question if you want to do navigation on a click of button do you do that in mapdispatchtoprops? In which you do get action for param?
But don't you think a single db in production serving 10 app servers would be faster if it doesn't have to do distinct?
If one has few millions of records in Mongo and they want to distinct on it should they do Mongo distinct or fetch all the records matching a query and then do distinct at ap...
Btw if you are building a telegram like chat which kind of db would you use? Append only time series?
But is the map dispatch to props the proper place to dispatch the navigation action?
Will will do that? Or Will will not do that?
Thomas, aren't you supposed to be an engine?
how do smart road signals work?
Wow where do you work?
How is Pune a smart city?
Trev, what's the time there?
For navigating? 😊