When end stake, can we pay pls as fee when plsex is launched or has to be ETH?
Can someone show me how 40% APR calculated? It shows 20% bonues + 12.75 APR from the HEX calculator to stake 365 days.
My HEX staking is due today. This is the first time. What should I do to unstake? But I got a notification
Why is the effective HEXs total difference from Hex.com VS Stakehex.today?
What is the time frame to end the stake when it is matured? 2 weeks?
I am sorry I am very dumb. So it means no one will know the gain total until the end stake day?
Hi there can I stake Phex from hex.com? I tried but doesn’t work.
Hi there, I purchased some WLUNAs from Coinbase pro. Now I wanted to sent them to Terra Station. Can someone tell me what is the best cheap way to transfer them? I am also s...
Trying to see my hex stake on Hex.com on Eth Chain but can’t. It has been loading for 5 minutes already. Can someone help me for that please?
Which is the cheapest ERC20 token should I buy to save fees. $25 to transfer USDC from Crypto.com to Metamask. It way too much. Is XLM no fees to transfer?
Is the debate started?
So I got that tshares is locked. But if in 10 years tshare is $50 on the end stake day. What will i get?
what link should i go to check the sell of HEX tokens?
I have purchased UST (CW20) vfrom Kraken . Can I send CW20 UST to terra Station? thanks.
What is HEX price in 2 years? Just got the calculator. This is an amazing group. We ❤️RH
Can someone explain to me that what is the final payout when staking is ended. Do I get paid out total amount of T-shares? Or do I get both T-share and interest?
Where to find the actural payout? Actural gain
I have a question regarding delegating LUNA on Terra Station? So it’s basically locked for 42 days before you can get the Luna back right?
what is RH suggest stake time?
Is Hex.com down? I can’t see my stake information. It’s been loading date for 10 min.