When big green candle?? @scylla440 @moonS0on @Sh3hroz
@scylla440 did ragequit binance tg over this? jesus lol
Will there be any bear market soon? I can't tell. any analysis would be nice
@Toni_bnb is weed legal in your country?
bros, should i book profit on idex or think its done?
How much price are you guys expecting from this movr listing?
@moonS0on your thoughts on market? also @Hello4343 ? what you think about the market? see bears coming in next month?
Gaming coins that are too undervalued?
Guys, if you got good stuff to buy, ping me okay? @Abhinav_Jain_J @scylla440
@moonS0on @scylla440 @Sh3hroz You guys okay ?
seriously though guys, thoughts on BNB/ETH think it;ll double? by next month?
Bnb soon 400 then 460 plus. @Yienjo rekt?
@Sh3hroz do you still hold ftm? I am thinking to ape in
serious question, what is the true Intrinsic value of luna now? I am considering to invest or not.
@moonS0on how will crypto become mainstream when masses are so out of touch with crypto? Also is that you in pic?
@PLX22 are you still in bifi?
whats up with egld? from almost 500 to 187
Btc dead?
@Hello4343 How are you? Need your perspective on the market. I don't see top wallets selling, not sure where the panic is coming from. Short term dip or long term?
@Subsun79 does glassnode shares data bout leverged positions, like not combined data, like two different data set for short and long ?