So do you call the grocery store you go to a "centralized grocery store" because you go there often?
And how did you become interested in Holochain?
You mean maturing?
Think about it this way: do you see conference calls of everybody that uses http? Or JavaScript? Or Django? And how they can all make their totally unrelated projects work bet...
Does that answer your question or would you like me to expand on something there?
Anybody in San Francisco that would like to meet up?
The question is more, what exactly is decentralized? The nodes running an app? The financial infrastructure? The market itself?
What do you mean whether “we have a choice”?
Why does the number of tokens have anything to do with staking?
Anyone interested in a HoloPort stand in the form of the Holo logo? 😅
Perhaps something that @alastairong or @NATHANLENAE could help shed some light on?
What do you mean not fair? They’re not complaining, they’re working with us to make it work
Do we know whether recordings will be made available?
Or what is it that your startup is offering?
Understandable – who’s the parent and who’s the child? ;P
Do you have a GitHub or some kind of portfolio?
You mean Holochain perspective about Ethereum?
Are you trying to back up personal files?
Did you find the URL and then take a screenshot?
What does tx have to do with Holochain?