I had a promoted tweet from a mvno competitor showing that a mobile user on the network could also a node (so other people can connect to network via another users mobile pho...
Also, how does 4g directly to phoe work? Will be a massive drain on battery for phone to connect to even a low altitude satellite wont it?
what’s the cdp liquidation fee in mirror pls? Is it the same for all mAssets? thx
Elon got a bit sidetracked with Twitter lawsuit…? 😆
@kjessec, I had it confirmed to me back in May (which I cannot now find) that for LTV purposes, the value of bluna collateral is calculated using the oracle price for luna (ie...
If Nexo holds an illiquid asset, is it valued at market value, or likely realised value (reflecting the effect that unwinding the illiquid asset would have on its price)?
wen Dent𝕏 ?
was nexo holding native UST and Luna or ERC20 (wrapped) UST and Luna on clients’ behalf?