So basically announcement in simple terms is: 1. Users need to manually unstake each of their positions using xmdx at the end of their boardroom staking period 2. You won’t ...
1. Stake xmdx from 13-17 Sept 2. Receive DMT rewards instead of MDX rewards - mdx rewards will be burned 3. Mdx rewards from 13-17 will be burned 4. Receive staked xmdx back...
Do we lose xmdx if we participate in IMO?
So stake xmdx, stop recieving mdx boardroom rewards, get DMT rewards instead, finish IMO and get back staked xmdx? Is that correct?
How long does IMO last?
Will you continue to use 365 boardroom though in 12-24 months time if APR for 365 is 50-60% ?
Manu - have you ever met or spoken with a mdex dev?
Wen party ?
Do we get to decide how much xmdx we want to stake for IMO? Can we do 25% of our vouchers for example?
Do any of the admin have their own funds locked in the 365 boardroom ?
Manu - what is devs strategy with 365 boardroom. At some stage the APR does not become attractive to new investors, what is the plan to keep attracting new investors to stake ...
Q2. How much money has mdex team spent on marketing past 3 months ?
Do I need extra xmdx to unlock 365 boardroom from what I was given ?
Will IMO go longer than 365 day boardroom staking ?
How many on the dev team ?
Is future 3-6 months or years ?
are you participating in IMO ?
Are the Devs doing anything to revive us - there is just no excitement about us at all. Are devs asleep at the wheel ?
Q3. Are there any plans from the mdex team to refresh the boardroom to make it attractive for new investors?
Is it possible for dev team to manually increase boardroom APY, can they even do it, I’m just curious ?