Withdraw eth to metamask address, once done connect metamask to here https://gateway.boba.network/?_gl=1*14unzmh*_ga*MTQ4Mjg5MjE1Ni4xNzA3MzkxMzMz*_ga_01406T8MGP*MTcyODcyNDg3NC...
Not sure if I seen your one yet, on jokerace or X?
This is on blast not boba?
This brisge was launched recently too https://twitter.com/bobanetwork/status/1774798889427894367?t=nThuz4400hyqSZTwa3Q3SA&s=19
Sorry it's kinda confusing u sent a transaction hash of a proof from 2 hours ago... do u mean this one https://bobascan.com/tx/0x1a7c88d04042a9a5624e294398a50fea86590eabada068...
Boba updates as regularly as there updates to give https://x.com/bobanetwork?t=V-ccmIVF26S7DU3-FD6Hag&s=09
Tokens that were airdropped how about Uniswap? - I can list more
And cant buy more boba cause they don't list?
For 0.04 ETH?
Here is a strategy a seasoned farmer would use https://twitter.com/bobachad/status/1494222852819947524?t=6j0l-mzSTtifDGDKjr_D3g&s=19
What is omg mainent, do u mean omg on Ethereum??
For trading or, withdrawals and deposits to Boba?
But for instance have u ever read the tokenomics?
U mean it reverted back to L2?
Do u know Solano is still in Beta?