Will Frax pools on Convex only enjoy a veFXS boost (no time boost)?
How to convert $FRAX (PoS) on Polygon into another version of $FRAX with sufficient liquidity to be swapped for another stable?
Do u need to checkpoint only at the veFXS page or also at every individual pool's staking page?
Which pools can be ragequitted at the moment?
@samkazemian I've send you a DM about an issue that I am experiencing with removing liquidity from a FRAX pool. Could you please check when you have time? Thanks!
Does anyone have the exact URL where to withdraw FRAX/IF liquidity? My LP tokens cannot be found on both Impossible Finance and StableXSwap (even after importing the pool), so...
@samkazemian Any idea how to get some sandlewood?
Does anyone have any idea what roughly the bribes/Votium incentives APR is for locking CVX?
How many terra addresses/accounts does your Ledger Nano have? Just 1 or more (like BTC, ETH, etc.)?