Best link to see my eHex balance? I can see pHex but eHex just winds and winds
Wonder if some enemy is doing a DDOS attack?
How TF is g a s $150 to end a measly 100 hex stake on a Sunday evening?!
I cannot get hex to load up. Has it finally had a glitch??
When I was a noob I staked 100 Hex for 100 days ending today = 105 hex valued at $20, gas to unstake is $120 ... should I just let them go?
Any ideas how to protect our hex in case of a cyber pandemic?
I really want to sack hex but don't have any unstaked hex, and can't justify $75 in g.a.s. to swap $5k of u.s.d.c. to hex to receive less pulseX then have to pay g a s again w...
Someone posted there's 4.6B Hex end staking tomorrow so the price would be what? $0.01?
Anyone watching which wallets are dumping?
What browser do you recommend?
Any tx accountanh references?
Who is RH debating soon?