Need help. What’s the best wallet for icx rn?
Wait you serious??? Bridge to L2 and get 5%?
Did anyone get any confirmation whether staking L1 gives 5%?
Is it mandatory to speed up the contract interaction?
What is the oolong network? Is it part of boba?
Whoa guys what’s happening with SUGMA?
When does l2 beat update?
Has there ever in history been an air dropped token having higher market cap than the parent token?
Probably asked a lot, but will I get ICE if my icx is deposited as collateral on Balanced?
Cosmos ATH today… any OGs here remember the beef with that April fools spooning?
anyone got a rarity higher than basic?
wasn't there supposed to be an ETH/BOBA pairing on the farm?
anyway i can play around with boba network mainnet or testnet?
Someone help me please. When is btp released?
you sure? I thought he rugged already
how long does classic bridge take?
Has team bridged their token yet?
boba got abandoned?
Why am i unable to stake all of it?
So are funds safe or is it mainnet beta?