I've been out of the loop for a while. Any DGB news/drama going on?
Is there a tutorial for using kava app/ecosystem to leverage trade?
has kucoin updated to the new contract address? I want to send some rsr there but they still have the old logo
is axelar the only bridge being used on kava app?
any dual miners here?
how are the developers compensated?
how do I view the the new rsr on ledger live? I can see it when i connect to my ledger via metamask because I added the new contract address, but not sure how to do it on ledg...
i downloaded the zillliqa app from ledger's website, then went to the zillet.io site and connected to my ledger app and got the UI up. Am I right to assume that there's no bac...
anyone know why huobi isn't allowing DGB deposits?
ledger only supports zil on BEP20? So right now I've got some zil sitting on huobi, that exchange doesn't give the BEP20 option so I can't send it to ledger from huobi?
any rsr pools up n running again?
i use zillet for mining address. I just noticed that each deposit comes with .1 fee. is this true of all wallets?
for example, you're a validator, going about your validating business. you have 100 tokens of your own. if you have 2 nominators that nominate you with their tokens, does the ...
how do you all see platforms like bancor being effected by ethereum going full pos?
do all the rewards in the ecosystem have a 1 month/12 month vesting period?
what gives with the huge increase in interest rate?
does claiming rewards effect IL protection of the staked asset?
for the shade airdrop, does the amount of atom staked effect the amount that will be airdropped to that address? i know that there is no minimum.
i'm withdrawing some atom from a CEX to my keplr wallet, i don't need any note or memo to go along with the address right?
any reason ledger live hasn't updated to the new RSR contract?