Whats the classic bridge fee to go from L2-L1?
This teahouse vetted by BOBA network? Also im assuming bobaeth is L2? so funds need to be bridged to particpate in LP?
can anyone also tell me which is the proper contracts on both sides?
Any plans on adding a timer when this resets?
Will lightbridge help me go from L2-L1 faster/cheaper?
whats the best way to bridge to the L2?
When does light bridge get released?
Dooooom and gloom?
If you need to withdraw liquidity though from Sushi, do you need to reapprove those contracts?
if i transfer off L2 to L1 does that free up Liquidity on the L2 ?
out of OMG they only got the engineering team? so they could have done this without OMG from the beginning
So WAGMI just gets credited to your wallet based on usage?
is there an APR% w/ $BOBA on OOLONGswap yet?
Wasnt it spose to lunch in Nov?
@Jet86 will the pool be reblanced before snapshot? Who makes this decision? Has it been rebalanced before?
And from the concern above, I am assuming you cant get the airdrop of BOBA if you decide to stake on the L1?
shaners why is the harvested amount not counted though? what coin/form does the harvested amount return as ?
I guess different apps will have different rewards/ways to earn?
Err let me rephrase, are you saying the L1 LP will sent to L2?
I guess I could classic bridge and race?