What were the awards for? Was it to the operators of the hubs?
What's the problem, guys? I have a test etherium (Insufficient ETH. Please get some test ETH first.) i have this errors
Guys, it's been two weeks since Mainet started, is there any information about the launch of steaking?
Which operator should I choose to have the highest percentage in steaking? Right now I have Entoro with 2% commission, but a yield of 3.59% p.a., ahha
there is a question ,those who get their tokens for the testnet, will they be able to put them into steaking? Or will they have to wait 28 days?
Guys Fractal, does not confirm my KYC, says that the address of residence is not correct, but I send the original bank statement with the date and address, is the third time c...
I have a question, can my account be hacked? Or if I am connected using KYC (Fractal), my funds are safe?
Any information on who won the POAP creation event?
Guys, I create an article on Golden about Polymesh, and I have a question, the full name of the Polymesh or Polymesh Network? What's the correct name?
why Expected return only 21% ,Under what conditions will this value rise?