LFG!!! https://twitter.com/ProTheDoge/status/1679339387891449856?t=IpLVpuMDyb2VGubjq7_FHQ&s=19
I have a stupid question perhaps (what's new?). Since the dexes are decentralized or, for those which are, the price that gets reported by places such as coinmarketcap isn't a...
Looking for devs! https://twitter.com/TheRealErgoGod/status/1478081144839188489?t=aoSnKAyyv1ckvlNSRJ_jjw&s=19
Do you know i didn't make it in the ergone list because I tweet so much it mistook me for a bot?
Maybe this betrays my age but, while I would vastly prefer for everything to be on my phone, I am also kind of terrified of mobile wallets- all it takes to lose it is to lose...
I can't post links? Why? It's for Ergo 😭
Have you picked a language and a format too?
I was derailing your conversation? lol
Guys! 49k followers! Can you believe it?
Really surprised this doesn't have more rts and likes and comments. Why, you guys, why? Let's fix it! https://twitter.com/ergoplatformorg/status/1439937884623101956
Please weigh in? I would really appreciate your input! https://twitter.com/ergomergoadargo/status/1472524009468268547
Like why? Why is @MrStahlfelge a rich man.
Who is mx??
Hey guys, feel like giving the comments mentioning ERG some upvotes? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q0KhW8ftm90
Anybody? https://twitter.com/ergomergoadargo/status/1484842664998707208
Hey guys, have you seen this? https://twitter.com/ergoplatformorg/status/1441886724200624132