where the file is located?
Does the Edge wallet withdraw address matches with lite wallet receive address?
Android or iphone?
So the wallet already restored with the seedphrase?
i mean %appdata%\komodo/pirate or %appdata%\pirate ?
how many addresses did you have on that seedphrase?
Do you see your addresses on Receive tab?
do you have a backup of the seedphrase?
on which folder?
Same for BTC, who created the wallet are in github so can they access to your wallet?
When and how its gone ?
Does it show any errors?
did you give your seedphrase to anyone?
is the resyncing occured after an update?
When did you create the wallet?
C P be careful of scammers and impersonators, second thing why should i call you or dm you?
thats should open the wallet fsat, what is the computer spescs?
Why do you use the Windows defender? 😅
Token Contract: https://bscscan.com/token/0xcdaf240c90f989847c56ac9dee754f76f41c5833 Staking Contract: https://bscscan.com/address/0x5502920b1c231d3b4d8f124658c447a72b72db4d ...
you may had other addresses?