What is the best option to choose?
There is Casper exchanges group?
Did you think that Casper can be 1$ if he is not list on BINANCE?
But is this something Caspar's executives are planning?
CSPR will burning in future ?
CSPR pad will not make any burn in the future?
There is more DEX that in progress?
Someone please?
What is safer?
And Casper in the future will be liste on BINANCE ? I ask in general, about the distant future
There is a staking calculator?
Wow , so my coins will be on the ledger and it will be possible to do staking?
Is there progress in the project? I ask in general. Collaborations or something in style?
Like, in practice the coins will be on my Ledger wallet?
I can save my CSPR on ledger and to do staking ?
The Casper.live staking option is safe for saving my Casper?
Did you think that Casper will be 1$ in the next 2 years?
Did you think that Casper will be 1 $ in 5 years?
I can stake my CSPR with ledger wallet?
Casper road map 2022-2023 available?