I have omi in my trust wallet will it automatically convert to erc?
I know but will IMX be before MTL?
Just a suggestion, opening MTL for everybody at almost the same time will lead to a dip since many people will cash out, would it not be smarter to gradually open it, and lett...
Someone else said they cant enter either, can yall check with the devs if there are any technical problems?
I know, but does this support every currency? I cant cash out USD to for example sweden
My countdown time on drops on veve is 1 second too late, is there anything i can do? I use samsung (Redmi)
Why does it say i own 1000$ worth of omi even tho i never bought any?
Can we expect MTL before March?
Will we even get MTL before new year?
How will KYC work? We will show our passport or sum?
Will it be possible to do kyc if i have 2 veve accounts?
Ok so everyone wont get it at the same time right?
Does it work if i reinstall app?
When is money transfer license? Im so tired of the apple fee
Is it true that imx just got hacked?
So we can sell for omi, and withdraw to our bank right?
App is loading forever, is it down?
Is veve still down for anyone else?
When does market open?
Why isnt market closed?