And so what if that is the case? That is great. Will drive even more arb volume against ERG on CEXes and push growth of Ergo
And what are you trying to do with it?
Have you guys tried out the new explorer yet? Loads addresses super quick compared to the regular one and has nice layout telegram: https://t.m...
@Zahnentferner as a question to understand gluon, Lets say i have 50 ergs I use them to mint GAU and GAUC The price of gold rises against erg I fuse GAU and GAUC back toge...
Im out of the loop on blitz Whats the average cost for a full play set? And eta on the game being playable?
So anybody know if auction coin is live? We can play with it?
People forget about gravity and susy already?
anybody been following ocean mining?
Aside from Gluon, Dexy, Rosen, are there any others?
@AustenMilbarge litecoin pair ? lol
Possible for mm and grid bots on trade house?
how is it that pools created on crooks do not show on spectrum ui?
Does anybody know what next steps are for bitpanda now that the raffle has been funded?
Twitter Account is gone??
anybody familiar with these guys? Seems they have integrated ergo
Hey @crypto_cream is your visualization tool published anywhere?
You want him to speak better so he can pump your bags? He is mostly concerned with coding and improving the network, supporting community developers, etc. i would rather he pu...
@AustenMilbarge thoughts on doing some kind of greasy mission to try to drive participation in the ergo mixer?
Who is on the right?
So i could bridge bitcoin to ergo, then move rsBTC on ergo over to cardano to get rsBTC there, then bridge cardano rsBTC back to bitcoin directly to unwrap?