Wax wallet down ?
How much cooldown if I have 3 processing rings and 1.5x land ? Plz help
Where can I play the game? Get a Login to the Game: https://www.mycloudwallet.com/dashboard Use Login to Access to the Game: https://play.alienworlds.io/ And this is the...
Issue not resolved yet ?
U know Hindi language ?
Mu website down ?
Which one is good basic explosive or large capacitor ?
Anyone facing issues currently ? Nothing to mine
Chain down again ?
Wax chain slow again ?
Which one is good ?
Anyone facing issues in mine ?
Wallet down anyone ?
Naron issue solved ?
@GEETSEHGAL25 bro any idea need 5 dollar for new wax wallet ?
Tlm mining, Nft pointd mining, mu, wax mission I'm missing anything ? 😅
Where can I play the game? 1⃣ Get a Login to the Game: https://wallet.wax.io/ 2⃣ Use Login to Access to the Game: https://play.alienworlds.io/ And this is the guide for n...
Aw ai changed again ? Showing old
Hello @ajayblee bro how are you ?
We getting Tlm too here on chat ? 🤔