Do you know when sec stuff is over?
I’m holding because I could just afford buy 10k hex in the last 3 months because I just got into crypto and from what I read in here is that when the fork happens it will be b...
I am trying to understand liquidity pools with hex and USDC , how do they become profitable? say i have 100 dollars USDC and 100 worth of hex to match it. Anyone experienced w...
Fill me in, i sacrificed for plsx, lambo yet? Lol jk but really whats up i need to get some info 👀
Hey guys what are the pros and cons of having a hex+USDC pool on uniswap v2?
What’s up my hexicans I was wondering if someone can help me out with this, i want to end my first stake and it says end stake or good accounting, what is good accounting?
By any chance would you know what the initial supply was?
Wow my message got deleted from this combot? But for what?
3.69% will inflate from the current liquid supply? Or from the number of hex that first existed when hex started?
What happen to Richard hearts YouTube!?