what makes IDEX better than other DEXs?
How are you doing Doru??
Positivity can do remarkable things, when is your next hit coming out?
Hey everyone! Privacy Pass is running pretty smooth! Anyone having issues? Humble request for community to continue to spread the hype (and RLC) with people that have yet t...
Rough draft, but thinking something like this: Sick of those platform fees eating into your pockets? Looking at OnlyFans, with their 20% cut! There's a new way to do things...
How did you hear about iExec Cary?
what would you propose for strategy? more updates and marketing, I get. Let's get more specific, the team listens. Where would you like iExec to specifically market?
Anyone gonna participate? https://x.com/_hummingbot/status/1843274566467993812
an NFT badge can be a hook for newcomers. i think a lot will become fascinated by the tech and implications, how couldn't you be?
His post remains, I am unclear of your issue?
Can I say this is pretty big? :P https://twitter.com/CComputingN/status/1790394857883652457
any community ideas to increase sign ups??? Privacy Pass has a real use-case, easy for the user, no way we should be under 1k!
what would you do if you were Gilles for a month?
what are we going to do when there arent enough jobs for the population? 30 hour work weeks I hope!
Have you signed up for Privacy Pass? Earn any rewards?
sounds like some talent can be found there, any want relocate to Lyon? 👀
What would advertising with Binance look like? There have been many learn and earn campaigns I've also thought Brave ads could be useful
October our month?
So this isn't about news but the product? What is your actual gripe?
Do you not see how this could benefit iExec, located in Lyon?