Is CotiPay Viper wallet in maintenance or something? Its says its currently unavailable service.. I should wait to transfer native token there?
Guys, is there any plans to add native coin to Binance? Cause this price difference from Kucoin and Binance is really annoying.. I mean imagine taking out rewards end of year ...
Hello, one question — I have few k of gCOTI stuck in Viper Wallet and I would want to send them to Metamask.. I know I have to first use bridge to even be possible to send the...
do you know how much COTI would be needed for that transaction? approx. number?
Why you guys didnt say anything about Djed testnet before?? We listened to djed coming soon, djed coming soon for weeks, if not month and half.. And yet nobody said it has to ...
@musthaveben The thing that bugs me is why doesn't Coti make serious effort to allow US people to stake. Staking isn't prohibited in the US besides NY State and Hawaii. Wha...
I can send some COTI thru Binance chain BEP2 to one friends Binance acc ,right? To his BEP2 Coti address.. To avoid disaster ETH network fees
Guys, why dont we see Treasury option in Web browser Coti Viper either? I see staking only..
Deposit fees should be much lower than withdraw fees.. This doesnt make sense.. Deposit fees should be up to half of withdraw maybe.. Or something like deposit 0.25% and withd...
Guys, Cardano is just partner with COTI, right? They arent co-owners because of the 500k investment from cFund
hello! Does FTX support BSC chain deposits? thank you
Why is it taking soo long from Simplex to finish the process for Visa COTI card? Isnt it up to 48h?