4 major projects completion scorecard: deadline Q4 or Q1 ‘22. Admins, can you answer these ?👇 1/ Binance Integration - % completion??? 2/ Shopify Integration - % completio...
“Ok ok, everyday i am checking the price and it’s dipping. I can’t take it anymore” Can Chris, Asat and Lucas do something? 🤣
If you are holding on something by a promise. That’s promise didn’t come as promise on due date. What you should do?
I don’t get it. Why Binance is regulated by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) and Coinbase is not. Coinbase SG is active in Singapore. Was Binance illegally operatin...
Moon soon?🤣
Will it get even worse if Shopify and MIddEast partnerships announced?
Has anyone heard from JT lately? How is he doing? 😀
Will the new announcement be a big Christmas present 🎁? 🤗
Some of us went all in or die. Patiently waiting for a big reward. I will cash out at $3. Where would you be cashing out at?
Coinbase is making a sh*t load of money from Traders just trading ACH. 24 hours volume 396,795,716 ACH traded? 😲
Admins, you guys have the most stressful job in the world. How do you do it and still sane?
When 🌝? 🥴