Does your address in Keplr match your address with the AKT?
Did you originally create your account with Cosmostation?
Do you have a Keplr wallet or Ledger?
Who's been following Greg and Akash progress at EthCC in Brussels?
Please vote Akash everyone!
#tellme is Akash DePIN?
Did anyone else watch Greg's Keynote at Akash Accelerate and think "I don't have enough AKT"?
Maybe this can shed some light about tactics that are used to generate hype:
Very comprehensive thread on Akash:
DiLoCo coming to a GPT near you 🔜😅
If the max supply of AKT remained unchanged (in 2032) would that change your opinion?
Hi KayMie, can you see any recent transactions? Was your AKT staked?
Why do you delegate to them? (just curious)
Our just an ongoing transaction during the audit?
It's just voting for it to be onboarded right?
Relevance to Akash?
Who's going to watch the Akash Accelerate live stream?
Is Osmosis not listed on Coinbase yet?!
Have you listed AKT? That should be your highest priority 😉
If you click on the validator that you already stake with? Maybe it's called "undelegate"?