Can we all get together as a community and buy some eHex? If we did this would it help boost the price? Is there enough interest in eHex anymore? I’d like to think my Long ter...
If you are a big fish, not even a whale, how much interest would you make if you staked $1million for 1 month? Can you see why whales don’t need long stakes? It’s good turnove...
My dilemma is….do I sac more Hex for Pulsex or do I keep liquid hex for purchase of Pulse? I’m not really worried about the Phex side of things because my current Stakes will...
Is Hex going up or down in the next 24 hours?
pHex will become Hex, Hex as we know it will become eHex. What do you think about Hex reaching parity with eHex? Can the gains that Hex has made be duplicated?