Velas listed on huobi?
@Sylvester_G , i did a velas BUSD to bsc BUSD swap. My tokens never arrived in my velas bsc wallet. But when i look at transfer its says “token transfer” and then “token burni...
Velas chain is superfast, 2 seconds a transaction takes for me. But why is the velas wallet so slow? At least on IOS when I want to see what is staked. It takes at least 10 se...
Shirly left too?
Ok, so to the community, what is the best node you guys recommend to stake on?
Hi guys, i bought vlx on probit. I want to send it to velas ios wallet. I see two options, native and non native. Which one do i use? And whats the difference?
So how will this partnership look like? Ferrari will build dapps on Velas or their NFT collection will be on Velas chain?
Hi guys, was the bridge fixed?
Astro will be launching as first DEX. What do you guys think?
Hi guys, something wrong on Velas chain?
And is there an unstaking period?