Means around 1 Ocean = 2 Asi?
Will LYXe be tradeable parallel to LYX? For a while
Do we know when token swap to ASI will come?
So right: around 2 Ocean are 1 Asi?
Has Poseidon still a usecase in Ocean ecosystem?
After mainnet, have we to swap our token?
Will come a new coin with V4 ?
Do we have to remove liquidity also from Uniswap pool?
Why does Fabian so often show/like SpaceX? Ideas?
After mainnet do we get New tokens? Will it work with the tokens on the Ledger?
But...did something happend? Reason for 29% dip?
With the mainnet launch we have to get out of Uniswap liquidity pool, right?
When again?
Are your wallets go crazy like mine? False price rising on Etherscan?