will this ever be available to US users?
hello, is the goal of USDX to be $0.99, $0.98, or $1.00? iv'e never actually seen it be $1.
Hi, I've noticed all the rewards for lend/borrow/liquidity are displayed in apy. Is there info on the base apr's of all these?
hello. i keep getting this error msg: TypeError: window.ethereum.request is not a function, when trying to interact with kava.io...is it just me?
so, i have ~10 kava vested for 12 months...but i was able to stake them on keplr?...i didnt know this was possible..
so is there a possibility of kava being outlawed in the usa. if so, how would i retrieve my 12 month vested rewards? unless vpn is the answer...
hello, i have a question about this. I'm trying to wrap my head around this, so any kind of ELI5 would be fine, but what's the difference between this and making my own ERC20 ...
hello, is there a staking airdrop rewards schedule or information page?
hello quick question. is kava supposed to be on the beta support section of the keplr chain drop-down menu?
unless injective goes the extra mile to catch people maybe?..idk how it works
ok, so im still trying to connect trust to kava. do i need binance chain or binance smart chain?
mmmm...but if im not worried about forks, or if my token is multi-chain what's the difference? how does this help with compliance compared to a token i create?
is there anywhere that USTC can be borrowed? any chain is fine
Is there info on what the apy's on swap pools without the 12 month lockup?
why is yearn associated with cream? is there some kind of partnership?
i have a couple questions about fetch...what exchange can i withdraw it onto its native chain, and how come keplr doesnt have staking for it?
hello, is there somewhere i can track the price chart of the tricrypto pool? or do i need to manually calculate?
hello, on the rewards tAPR list, these say +X%..how are these percentages attained? are these standard, or are these somehow boosted rewards?
is there any intention of bringing vai back to $1 peg?
so it's a security issue more than a compliance issue?