Sam hello there, nice to see all the progress of FPI. great work from the team as always. Do we have any updates on convex integration ? like set up more farms that can be bo...
@samkazemian I checked the doc yesterday but still have one question I could not find an answer about FPI. When I mint, my frax will be collateral, when I redeem I will get f...
what is with cvxfxs/fxs lp on convexfinance now? it seems the cvx and crv rewards are suspended. Does the convex team have any problem with fxs? Sam
@samkazemian is it possible to create an AMO contract to use eth/frax lp as collateral to mint more FRAX, just like minting with USDC in frax ecosystem, then use minted FRAX a...
will we build AMO on top of frax/eth LP obtained from bonding?
Hi team , what is the plan for fpi and its airdrop?