Klever no longer supports Reef staking on their mobile wallet. Is there any other option for staking on mobile phones? Do we have to use a pc to manage our staking?
Hey guys. Is there liqudity at klever for converting bep20 to reef20?
Is there any more wallet than klever that supports Reef20? That clown of a wallet doesn't open and no one on its telegram channel gives a sh@t about this issue.
I have 10.000 reef staked on Binance for 90 days. It was paying 6 reef everyday but today it paid 8.000 (8k) as staking reward. Wtf? Is anything likewise happened to any of yo...
What was the staking calculator tool?
Hey guys i want to ask something. Did Reef inflation rate change? My staking income grew %50~ for no reason since saturday.
Is there a date set for reef debit card?
Hey admins. Is there any news from audit of Reefpad?
Did anyone get staking rewards today?
What does parachain airdrop mean? Does it mean Reef will have parachains and Reef holders will get airdrop from those tokens?
Anyone havimg glich on klever wallet? My wallet says i have more than 2 quadrillion reef coins 😮😮
Is nft marketplace deployed on testnet for now?
Does gate.io support Reef20?
Does Nerfapp deployed and runing on Reefchain or is it still on testing stage?
Is there a update/upgrade of somekind to mainnet? Is it cause of delay? Im curious