Reason for price pump?
Do you ppl think xrp will be delisted on all exchanges as the banks would want to buy it all up and leave nothing for us investors even if we have our xrp in a hard wallet we ...
Anyone heard of crypto dusting? If so is it anything to worry about?
Is nexo safe for in case of a cyber attack? Black Swan event?
Does anyone else know Crypto bellwether from YouTube and how much fud he spreads about xrp?
Just a curious question are you peeps all in on xrp or are very diversified aswell?
Is Flare going to to be added to our nexo wallet once distribution starts?
Any issues with withdraws atm?
So is it ok to send xrp to xummwallet?
Why are people saying there a issue with xumm wallet mine seems to be fine......does it have to do with sending xrp there?
Is anyone else concerned about what happen to Celsius will happen in nexo?
Changing smartphone devices what's the best way to go about any complications with 2fa setup? Tia
Why isn't sol matic and avax available for Australian customers?
When is Solano going live on nexo?