also does anyone know of anywhere on ergo I can put some ergo into a farming liquidity pool? spectrum finance just ended the ergo/spf pool, I'm assuming they will get a new on...
i've just been messing around with duckpools and lending, for the rewards, does it get generated as well or does it come up as part of the amount you can withdraw, currently i...
for spectrumfinance, when the pools that are running run out, does another round of them just start up fresh or what happens, do they choose entirely new ones to have farms on...
what wallet + dex would everyone recommend for ergo? I've had some for ages, but never actually jumped into the ecosystem
how long does it take usually for tx on ergo? I've been waiting for like 30+ minutes for adding liquidity?
Am I the only one whose noticed that one of the ergo announcement channels is now spectrum?