The key question to answer is this - what do we say to FXS holders who locked in the past month? That they could have waited a cpl of days and done 800% more veFXS
@samkazemian will we be on the Bera tastenet?
@IQGPTChatBot what number is the Frax cr?
So we got $150K out but then lost $6.85mm?
How much will be the lowest theoretical ETH (as in like 6 months from launch when frxETHv2 matures) will you will need to run a at home validator using frxETHv2?
Hello Admin could I confirm the CEO of Frax Price Index Project is Weaspomer? I have a marketing proposal partnership cost free I would like to make
I once again come before the great and powerful Town Sheriff of Fraxlend to ask when OHM collatoral, wen Sheriff @drakeevans wen?
@IQGPTChatBot what is frax cr number?
@IQGPTChatBot what is the number of the frax cr?
Hola amigos - why is the AMO for the gOHM Fraxlend pair keeping the borrowing rate above 75%? It's making us lose borrowers
Hey just saw this tweet about moving to 50% ltv - isn't Tetranode's pool moving to 66% - why wouldn't we match ...
We have money on Kyber?
Is any FPI backing in the CRV/FRAX pair?
We safu or sifu on the Solana bridge exploit?