Dentwireless data saves the day yet again. In my rural area a blackout today cutout the broadband/ home wifi and reduced the local telcos to unusable 3G. Switched to DentWirel...
And when we unstake we get original amount of DENT in return plus dentx earned?
I don't get this. Read slow. Am I staking Dents to receive DENTX that I can sell later for beer or whatever while my supply of dent stays the same or swapping dent for dentx t...
I guess DENTs are used for payments so it would end up back on the open market maybe? Locked forever would reduce supply so thats good too.
Gawd. The humans aren’t going to make it as a species are they?
Dent getting staked as we speak. You know what is happening with amount on exchanges to buy?
Launched yesterday and you are asking like kids in a car "Are we there yet?"
It seems you can withdraw dents after verification. Must have been freebie collector?
What was his name? No Money? Pocket Money?
Also circulating supply has increased from 10 billion to 99/100 billion since JAN 2018. I can say that Barry?
"Research and Development for 4g/5G hardware for micro operator networks, testing of reliability and durability of Starlink in as an Internet backhaul for rural areas." With c...
Now you need to bridge our fixed supply dents to variable DENTX to secure network? This better be good.
What were the 8 new countries added to eSIM recently?
VAS. You on? Please clean this shit out.
where is the current roadmap VAS? Looks like erased. Can only see whitepaper in history link on site.
Who’s hanging out for app 5.0 with possible phone number?
G’day all. Just revisiting this after some time. One of my concerns is the number of tokens not in circulation. Can anyone link me an article explaining why this is not a prob...
Those 50 schools in Africa, how are they connected to internet? Is this the result of experiment with new dent hardware connected to existing infrastructure or something float...
I know, from August at earliest. So testing since then but officially only 60 then 61 with addition of U.A.E?
Hullo. IMA marketer expert man. I solda welder and garden rake on Facebook from excllent wording. Who do I talk to for partnurships?