db_cursor.execute("""UPDATE domains_meta SET redeploy = 1 WHERE id = ? LIMIT 1""", session['domains'][domain]['id']) OR query = """UPDATE customers SET passwor...
def getPkg(self): pkgList = self.sshCommand("rpm -qa") type(pkgList) is <type 'unicode'> , but looks [u'a', u'b'] which is list right? I want to add an item to pkgList
If ill clone someones repo with self in ut from gh and try to edit this code become mine?
thanks. "There are numerous, numerous testimonies from very very frustrated folks who after spending several months and over a million in salaries can’t get a config of K8s th...
кто подскажет можно ли в awx по api дать команду засинкать inventory source? смотрю в доку api и не вижу такого функционала https://docs.ansible.com/ansible-tower/latest/html/...
why I see <type 'unicode'> when I type(pkgList), when print(pkgList) clearly shows list of unicode?
sweet summer boy you think everyone had access to internet?
tell the phrase to google(btw should i use "google" word as verb if i user another search system?=)
who the heck told i you I said it about 2019?
Can anyone suggest requirements for vps to serve 20Gbps http traffic?
т.е. не одмин виноват, а юзер?)
чем смотрел?
есть что в dmesg, syslog?
hello everyone! does anyone run bottle web microframework with uwsgi?
wher did i say that?
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7929364/python-best-practice-and-securest-to-connect-to-mysql-and-execute-queries/7929438#7929438 is this answer still valid in 2018?
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