Any advice on staking? I'm assuming I need a fee of eth to connect wallet to website?
Will we ever get to ath high again?
Yeah I don't mind about the rewards... so long as there is no danger in me staking right now?
I assume there will be a huge announcement when v2 is live?
Hey guys, am I to late to buy? I'm new to this 🙈 I seen ksi say something about reef
When is the actual game released?
It lets me stake on the site... but I'm assuming if I confirm, I'll still be able to stake, just not redeem any rewards? Is that right?
How often do rewards update? I'm not looking to withdraw but just wondering is it daily like most staking
Wtf is up with the gas prices today!? $300 to upgrade to v2!!???
So can we see our rewards now?
No date for v2 yet?