WHy no L2MP news for waves 2.0??
Question: my gWX is has a linear decline towards unlocking date. But if I issue new gWX, the unlocking date for ALL my gWX moves to the future. However, my 'old' gWX doesnt ge...
Any1 else have problems with not receiving WX rewards from WX/USDN pool staking?
Why would recap tokens need to be exchangeable?
Will $surf tokens be exchangeable?
HOw long did these fees accumulate?
Does any1 know if that waves wallet holding 14m waves is associated with anything swap-related in the past?
We pumping?
So nothing new for nsbt in wx ama?
Any good info shared? Cant listen
Is quorum being reached on the new proposals?
IDK nodes selection, we talked about this before. It benefits waves ecosystem alot and needs to be done, but how would it benefit NSBT holders? All neutrino node generated wav...
The new waves explorer layout kinda sucks, you have to click on every transaction/script invoke to see what it contains. Why make it like this?
Are there any plans on claiming WX from different pools more easily? I have some staked in different pools but always need to claim septerately
Nsbt - waves ATL?
In gravity https://susy.gravityhub.org/swap you can see difference between gwaNSBT and legacy NSBT. Anyone know the difference?
At what time IDO becomes claimable?
? no I just calculted this to know the difference for current swaps and old contract swaps
Big whale has 5m usdn - waves swap stuck again?
After voting passes, how long for implementation on new swapping mechanism?