Can I get some hexicans predictions on when pulsechain will officially drop? Obviously I know it’s on speculation just trying to calculate how much time I potentially have
Anyone know if there’s an issue with the pulsechain hex testnet? I have hex on the testnet for pulsechain but apparently I have 0 to stake
Where do we stake out tHEX?
How do we see the daily tshare payout rate?
Snapshot not happening today?
is it just the pulse test net on the actual hex staking page?
How many tshares do you think one would need to make a million in 10years?
Anyone know how many tshare there are left?
Honest question, would it be worth investing in eth so that when eth goes up in years to come I assume the gas prices will go up aswell?
October 30th realistic predictions?
End of October predictions? 0.45cents is mine I believe we will return to the sideways momentum until all the big stakes and paper hands are out then we will moon hard asf aro...
Can anyone let me know on what time is the cheapest gas fees? Wanting to do one last buy in before it blows up
Any other ways to avoid massive eth g a s fees? For a semi small buy in?
Anyone know how many tshares there are left remaining?
Question, Richard said that v2 testnet was forked from v1 testnet, Does this mean the “snapshot” may have of already happened?
Any updates on the lawsuit?
Anyone know much about the gasdao eth gas fee airdrop? I’ll delete if not allowed here, can’t find much news on it
Can anyone do the math of what the HEX price would go to if $1 Billion was bought up? Cheers
Anyone having trouble connection to the pulsechain Testnet HEX staking page?
Anyone wanna take one for the team and buy 30bil usd worth of hex?