What is the token contact adress of the copied hex on pulsechain? I want to add the token to my wallet
Can I ask a pulse question here real quick? The pulsegroup isn't responding. Is it true that at launch you can only swap the erc20 tokens that got copied over? So if you want...
How do I end a stake for someone else? My parents have a stake ending in a few days but are abroad and need some help since they don't know how it works.
I've just ended a one year stake. And now I'm wondering what the best move would be: restake right away to regain my t-shares? Or keep liquid and bridge to pulsechain once ava...
Can you use good accounting to wait for a lower gasprice? Or do you pay (the same) gas for the good accounting function?
What is the official PulseX telegram group please?
Does anyone know if the Staker app is down? It's not working on my phone all of the sudden