When will we get a Holo hosted P2P chat on IPhone?
Good morning all, Is Arthur still around or already retired?
Did Notcoin steal it from us or are we collaborated? @marycamacho
Jeah I know it. But what has it to do with holo / why is he asking in Holo group?
@marycamacho can we get something similiar like this for Holofuel? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KqpGMoYZMhY&pp=ygUbTHVuYSB0ZXJyYSBob3cgZG9lcyBpdCB3b3Jr
But just to be clear. If I switch goerli hot to test fuel I can’t switch it to Holofuel right? Asking because HP owners currently also only get test fuel.
What are the long term goals for Holo? I’m asking because I have the feeling that mutual credits are a tool of the far left. Could be interesting in small areas (supply chai...
How’s our NFT looking?
What’s the name of the project that is developing a search engine for Holochain?
Bought a H+ on the secondary market. It’s from 2019 and flashing blue since almost 24h. Anyone issued the same yet and has a solution?
Someone can give a hint what the features for HOT lovers are ? 😁
Is there staking without creating a liquidity. Just put ocean into the pool and recieve interest?
How many hp were sold to japan?
Or what am I able to do now? Read the Website but always a lot in the beginning. Maybe some guys can put some keywords of what features they use the most.
Is Data -> Dta? Sorry that’s a new space in crypto for me. 🤣 Data and Ocean are partners? Or part of the same Ecosystem? Same Devs?
Hey Ho guys, just bought wazirx. Some breakout soon expected ?
And what is the goal for this bullrun? 10B Marketcap?
Anyone here Bought in 70+ range?
What’s our next goal?