Can intents and solvers be used with Holochain for you @ArxSolus on Holodex? It can solve liquidity issues tying into a CEX. There’s a few dex’s coming out now and are easily ...
Has the team been asked or responded about creating a DAO? I know Atotsm has been vocal about it on Twitter. Just not sure if the team has responded to it or not.
Isn’t this a public ID anyways?
Account abstraction sounds doable across Holochain with already me being able to log in to my host console with email. Has the team expanded about that? That’s a huge deal in ...
Anyone have the terms and conditions? The hyperlink didn’t work for me.
Do Holoports have any anonymity or is it simple on finding the IP address?
Will happs be able to have video on them in the future?
For building a DIY Holoport, can someone explain what are we looking for when the OS is released to build one?
What are the benefits for an app provider to pay for multiple host?