But is it safe to hold the Omi on the bitforex Exchange ?? Dont like to have my assest on a Exchange for too long
Question… when will the new trustwallet ERC adress show the statistics of omi ? Did you already reach out to them?
on the bitforex support channel I don't get a clear answer, so I'll ask again here. when i buy OMI/USDT on bitforex right now, will i get the ETH version or still the old GO??
Question, been away from omi for a few weeks ? Thought the swap would be before the end of last month ? Did something go wrong or is it still soon ? 😂
Just saw that Disney will create its own metaverse.. this is bad for omi in my opinion, does somebody knows more about this ???
Is there a new erc 20 adres for the trust Wallet for Omi? So i van add the custom token to my wallet
Hi team, is there Anything excited planned for q2 ? Things we can look out to ?
when i buy omi tonight (european time). is it still gochain or ETH??